Rhyan Mellios
Not a saint but do I have to be?
Name: Rhyan Mellios (Given name Rhy'a Surwanii)
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Gender: Cis male (he/him)
Age: 26
Height: 5'1
Guardian: Menphina
Orientation: Bisexual, masc preference
Status: Married, polyamorous
Occupation: Arcanist Researcher, Playwright and Director, and undercover vigilante Red Mage
Echo: Aethersense (weaker Aethersight) and Divination
Likes: High perches, warm weather, tea, flowers, rolanberries, sweets, gardening, recreational hunting, painting, writing, and fictional stories
Dislikes: Rain and snow, the color yellow, cooking, Paissas
About: Rhyan is a Keeper male of short stature and tall personality. He tends to be very friendly and polite to those he first meets, but those who know him more intimately know that his façade of a learned scholar and theatre aficionado hides the innate tendencies of a feral cat and everything that comes with that.Rhyan has dark purple eyes that almost appear black and naturally black hair, but does dye his hair often enough. He tends to nearly always wear red somewhere in his outfit as it is his favorite color. No matter the outfit, he always uses red-orange makeup around his eyes. He also typically wears some form of gloves on his hands to protect his aether during casting and will insist on other casters doing the same, but will forgo the gloves or choose a lighter option if he is sure he will not be using any heavy magick.♦

Rhyan was born as Rhy'a Surwanii to a larger, unconventional Keeper tribe in the depths of the Black Shroud. Due to his tribe's worship of Menphina through open love and affection and a "it takes a village to raise a child" mentality, he does not know who his father truly is, but is very close to his mother and a handful of his closest sisters. He even considers the other members of his tribe with the same familial bonds, gifting him with countless sisters, aunts, and fathers. Of his generation, Rhyan is the youngest and only surviving boy.The families within his village also took in the passing adventurer who would seek refuge from the dangers of the woods, allowing a warm and safe place to stay in exchange for rare goods, food, and stories alike. Rhyan was fascinated by the tales of those that would stay in his tribe, and soon became infatuated with the tales of heroism and danger, especially through magic.After the Seventh Calamity destroyed much of the wooded forests in the Black Shroud, many of the young adults in Rhyan's generation decided to leave their comfy village to travel Eorzea and do what they could to make homes elsewhere or protect the realm.Rhyan left his home in the Shroud at 17 with a passing group of warriors of light, who took him far off to Limsa Lominsa. They gave him food and protection and introduced him to the Arcanist's guildmaster there. Through his journeys he was able to eventually reconnect with his mother and closest sisters, though he does his best to avoid Gridania as much as he can due to their less-than-stellar views of Keepers, only stopping by to visit his family in the depths of the Shroud.♦

Current Day
Nowadays Rhyan is a field researcher for the Arcanist Guild on contract. He is considered a specialist in Theoretical Aetherology and Aetherical Anomalies, especially with tears to other realms, voidsent influence, and remnants of ghosts and other spectres. He is also gifted with divination, and his echo often manifests in visions of things yet to come.As his day job he moonlights as a playwright for his travelling theatre troupe the Goobbue Gang Theatrics Association, but in actuality uses the time in between legitimate missions as a vigilante red mage adventurer with the GGTA being many of his closest allies in his missions.After researching the remains of Mhach, he came across a tome recounting the tales of red magic past, and he has been studying its arts and history since. He's met other students of the ancient arts in his travels, but not many. The sword has fit more naturally into his hands than he thought it would.While his guild and close friends know about the secret adventuring he does as a Red Mage, his family and more casual friends are none the wiser. On the job, Rhyan wears a mask to conceal his true identity, magically enchanted to keep away otherworldly influences and to muddle the thoughts of strangers to not recognize any of his defining features.♦

Do you believe in magic?
Rhyan is a field researcher for the Arcanist guild with a specialization in aetherical anomalies in nature. He uses his Carbuncle Brhu'a as an aether compass and uses magic to repair the broken weave. Maybe he has hired you as a protector for a mission, or maybe you are a researcher yourself that could use an extra hand.Note: Rhyan's carbuncle is even more sensitive to aether than Rhyan is, and if your character has something strange or unusual about their aether, he is likely to pick up on it and try to warn Rhyan. Beware.
Of the Red
While he keeps his adventuring as a red mage secret, maybe you've seen him with his mask off or trying to sneak around in his uniform. Would be a shame if you caught him. Or maybe you are a red mage yourself seeking an additional mage practiced in the art.
All the world's a stage
Rhyan helps run a Free Company with his wife: the Goobbue Gang Theatrics Association. They are a secret vigilante adventuring guild moonlighting as a really awful travelling theatre troupe, of which he is the writer and director. It has a small cult following composed mostly of people who enjoy campy performances of satirical nature. Maybe you have seen or are wondering about a show of theirs, or even the true behind-the-scenes nature of the guild.Performances of note: Ishgardian (K)nights and Dusk's Edge
Deep under Shroud's cover
Rhyan has met a lot of adventurers from when he was a young boy and his tribe would let them stay safely in their village from the wilds of the Black Shroud. Maybe you recognize him or his family name (Surwanii). If you are a Keeper from the Black Shroud, especially the southern region near Quarrymill, then maybe you are familiar with his family as well.
A more carnal desire
Rhyan has part-time work as a secretary for the PBM lounge, and any visitors are welcome to recognize him from there out in the world. Rhyan is also a frequent visitor of a few other venues, and often goes there to "network" (listen in and snoop on other people's conversations).♦


♦ Ourahn Mellios ♦
Rhyan's wife and one of the adventurers that brought him to Limsa Lominsa. They have been with him from the start and he adores them absolutely and unconditionally. Co-guildmaster of the Goobbue Gang Theatrics Association.

♦ Sae Hvantir ♦
Member of the Goobbue Gang Theatrics Association and paramour to Rhyan. Rhyan will assure you that Sae only looks that mean and is actually very sweet and well-meaning. He is a skilled fighter and bodyguard for Rhyan while on missions, but does seem to have a bit of trouble working with any Allagan tech.

♦ Aki Freesia ♦
Member of the Goobbue Gang Theatrics Association as a supporting actor and another of Rhyan's paramours. Also certified emotional support Desk Bunny.

♦ Dae ♦
Rhyan's paramour. The two have quickly (and to some people's opinions perhaps foolishly) become deeply intimate and involved in each other's lives.

♦ Lennox Voronin ♦
Respected friend (with benefits) and fellow vigilante he butts heads with when out in the field. The two are amicable and friendly in good company, but as soon as the stakes are turned up they find each other scoffing at how the other handles situations. One of the few people not in GGTA that knows of Rhyan's secret.

♦ M'nhako Miao ♦
Member of the Goobbue Gang Theatrics Association as a supporting actor, and an even greater support on missions as another bodyguard for Rhyan. The two commit cat-based crimes together.

♦ Aria Forzane ♦
Trusted friend to Rhyan and former peer while studying at the Arcanist guild in Limsa. The two are now colleagues and often gossip together over brunch. She also makes a point to come to every GGTA performance, despite never performing herself (as much as Rhyan begs her to). Another of the treasured few who know about Rhyan's escapades.

♦ Thalia Ra'ashir ♦
Close friend of Rhyan and partner in gossip along with Aria. She is probably the Goobbue Gang Theatric Association's biggest fan.

♦ Lysander Myste ♦
Owner and proprietor of The Burrow , the one warm place in frigid Coerthas that Rhyan is happy to visit when he travels to Ishgard. Treasured friend and source of seemingly infinite knowledge and connections in Ishgard.

♦ Clawdia Dupuis ♦
Another close friend, Rhyan often commissions her to design outfits for the theatre as she always has a pulse on Ishgardian fashion.

♦ Brhu'a ♦
Rhyan's familiar carbuncle! He likes to go on adventures.

Hi my name is Ali and I'm trans man who is too obsessed with his blorbos.I do not like to talk to minors so please be 18+ to approach me or RP with me.I'm 26 years old and am fine with mature themes as long as we can talk through consent first! I am also fine with being approached for solely ERP as long as you can properly separate IC from OOC. I'd also prefer to RP extended scenes and build relationships for Rhyan only with people I'm familiar and comfortable with, so feel free to message me in game or ask for my Discord to chat more.I also am an artist! Feel free to chat with me about that too!♦

The following page contains spoilers for Shadowbringers and Endwalker.

♦ The Flame of Magic ♦
Prometheus began as a humble ceramist by the name of Freyja in the small town of Fólkvangr, far outside of Amaurot. Here magic was only permitted to be practiced by the high priests, the Vanir, leaving the laymen in dark mundanity with barely enough knowledge or ability to control their own aether.Frustrated by how the Vanir would demean anyone beneath them, Freyja sought a new fate, taking action to steal books from the libraries of the Vanir while under the guise of an escort. He studied the knowledge within and redistributed the flame of magic to others in his community, inspiring them to take action to overthrow the Vanir so that all might practice magic freely of their own volition. For his courage and efforts he was noticed by the current Seat of Azem, Venat, and with an excited heart he travelled to Amaurot to apprentice for her and eventually take over her place in the Seat of Azem.Upon his induction he took the name Prometheus, to symbolize not only his personal physical transition but also in regards to his newfound specialization in divination magicks.Prometheus's job as Azem is to travel to remote corners of Etheirys to pass the flame of magic to others, to establish networks of Aetherical travel, and to assist existing civilizations to thrive in their environment.Prometheus's most notable concept is that of the Aethercycle, a motorized bicycle that runs off of his own aether that allows him to travel faster by himself and over terrain that doesn't have any existing roads. He starts the creation of all his concepts in clay, including his familiar, a feline named Bygul (who would eventually be sundered into Rhyan's familiar, Brhu'a).Prometheus is also a Magechanist: wielding a self-crafted firearm in one hand and an arcane focus (much like a Red Mage focus) of the Flame of Magic in the other.

Multi-Azem AU
I have an AU that is open to anyone, where the "Seat" of Azem is not held by one person alone, but is open to any layperson across the ancient world.Sometimes a call to action manifests in the hearts of common citizens, igniting a flame that lights their soul apart from the masses, a clear difference to those gifted with soulsight. Those who choose to act in the face of danger, injustice, or the unknown can rise above their status from any corner of Etheirys and travel to Amaurot to stake their claim on the Seat of Azem. Each Azem takes on different tasks, travelling to different corners of the star to dive into brave adventures or provide assistance by the numbers.When the world was sundered those are the people Venat knew dearly, who she called to and were gifted the echo, each one of them warriors of light.And where they walk, fate shall surely follow.♦

Other Ocs
Feel free to ask about any of these OCs or if you'd like to RP with them. I usually will only pull them out to take pictures of them otherwise.

♦ Tsaikha Iriq ♦
Local himbo and retired veteran of the Dragonsong War. Previously employed by House Fortemps as a Dragoon.

♦ Marceaux Lyvier ♦
Sharlayan college dropout, his new goal in life is to run a very successful pyramid scheme host club.

♦ Roscoe August ♦
Fieldhand and cowboy from Kholusia who has been thrust into a life in the wilds of Norvrandt after his ex-friend is thrown out of Eulmore.